Home Away From Home

WCH took very good care of my father and made him feel like he was home. At 83 years old, it is hard to be away from home. Even though he had to be in the hospital it does his heart good to know he is still in Wickenburg.

Stan Watson first came into the ED with an urgent medical issue from an unknown source. WCH ED & Diagnostics team did all they could to identify the source of his issue which included bringing in a specialist to perform a unique test & performing a blood infusion. The source was still unclear so, we transported him down to Del Web in hopes they would be able to locate the issue, which unfortunately they were also unable to identify it. He did gradually improve and was transported back to Wickenburg Community Hospital so we could utilize the Swing Bed services to speed up his recovery allowing him to become strong enough to go home. We enjoyed the quality service from WCH staff and it truly helped being in Wickenburg and having his rehabilitation team come to his bedside daily to get him back on his feet.

He will be going home today, and we are grateful for all the staff here at WCH as they took the best care of him during this hard time!

Karen Wittman & Stan Watson