WCH Vaccine Clinic Update



Terrie Davidson
Community Relations Manager
Wickenburg Community Hospital

Wickenburg, AZ, February 16, 2021 – Wickenburg Community Hospital (WCH) is continuing preparations to open a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic. β€œWCH is conducting staff training on the vaccine distribution event processes this week. We expect to begin community vaccine distribution events in early March. Once dates, times and locations are confirmed, WCH will post the registration process on our website, in the newspaper and with the Chamber of Commerce.” Karen Smith RN, NMCC, LSSGB Manager, Infection Prevention and Employee Health Chair, Safety Subcommittee at Wickenburg Community Hospital states.

Why is it taking so long for WCH to make the COVID vaccine available to the community?

The Politics of the COVID Vaccine can be confusing and frustrating. Although WCH submitted their application to receive the COVID Vaccine well before the AZDHS and State of Arizona deadline, WCH is required to wait in line for the state distribution allotments. Large metropolitan areas received and are distributing the COVID vaccine first, next hospitals in very remote areas along with multi-living centers second, then hospitals like WCH. The federal resource for COVID Vaccines to the national retail chain pharmacies versus the state source to the hospitals have 2 different distribution schedules depending on manufacturing.

The anticipated COVID Vaccine distribution at WCH will start:

  • On the 24th and 26th WCH for employees, volunteers and Board Members and some Fire, Police and EMS
  • Starting March 3rd and 5th will be the first appointments available for community members.

Sign up information for the community will be forthcoming over the next week.

Those in groups prioritized for vaccination still need to register for appointments at podvaccine.azdhs.gov or may call 1-844-542-8201.
