Allergy Symptoms

Allergy diagnosis medical and healthcare concept Doctor with stethoscope

Allergy Relief at Community Hospital Clinics

If you suffer from allergies, we can help. Effective allergy treatment goes beyond prescribing medication. Allergies affect each patient differently, so our team takes time to explain which methods of allergy management may work best for you.

What is Immunotherapy?

The goal of immunotherapy is to reduce sensitivity to allergens. Depending on the type of allergy you have, you can train your body to become less allergic. Immunotherapy is a preventive treatment for allergic reactions to substances such as grass pollens, house dust mites and bee venom. Immunotherapy involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance, or allergen, to which the person is allergic. The incremental increases of the allergen cause the immune system to become less sensitive to the substance, probably by causing production of a “blocking” antibody, which reduces the symptoms of allergy when the substance is encountered in the future.

Immunotherapy also reduces the inflammation that characterizes rhinitis. The first step in this process is an initial allergy consult at our clinic. Then allergy testing is completed, a simple procedure where allergens are introduced just under the skin with plastic applicators.  The test is given and results are read in under an hour.  We then compound serum for the patient and immunotherapy can begin. It is delivered via two routes, either subcutaneous (under the skin) injections or sublingual (under the tongue) drops. This is not a “quick fix” for allergies.  Rather, it is long term treatment (2-3 year minimum) to help resolve the cause of allergy symptoms.  80% of patients respond well to this treatment, allowing them to decrease use of allergy medications, minimizing irritating allergy symptoms, and reduce frequent illnesses. Insurance often covers the cost of testing and immunotherapy.

Allergic Rhinitis

Rhinitis is the inflammation of nasal passages, which can cause a host of irritating symptoms. These include sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, runny nose, and postnasal drip. Rhinitis can occur when a respiratory tract infection, like the common cold is present. It can also be caused by allergies. It can begin at any age and the severity of symptoms often wax and wane throughout life.

So, what is the cause of allergic rhinitis?  It is a nasal reaction to small airborne particles called allergens. This reaction activates two types of inflammatory cells in our bodies, called mast cells and basophils. These cells in turn produce histamine, an inflammatory substance causing congestion, itching, sneezing, and runny nose. Some allergens like pollens, produce seasonal allergic rhinitis. Other allergens like pet dander or dust mites produce year-around allergic rhinitis.

Treatments for this condition include nasal irrigation and saline sprays, nasal steroids (Flonase or Nasocort) and antihistamines (Zyretc, Claritin or Allegra).  Systemic steroid injections (aka kenalog shot) can be used up to 3 times per year to help with symptoms, as well.  These medications often provide excellent relief.  However, if symptoms continue to persist or even worsen over time, then immunotherapy is recommended.

Don’t suffer, Get Help! 928-668-1833.