Author: Monique Powers

Six Tips For Choosing A Quality Rehabilitation Team
WCH Emergency Department Team- Patient Testimonial
Are You at Risk? Early Detection Saves Lives. "I love that I GOT YOU feeling when I uncover a subtle cancer trying to hide among normal tissue. I hate breast cancer and go after its discovery with a vengeance."- Dr Zandra S. Nocera, MD, Breast Center Radiologist, Wickenburg Community Hospital
AND THE WINNER IS...Image of git bag winner Virginia Northington
Pulmonary Fibrosis
"Your rehab has helped me so much, I can now walk much better, my legs are stronger and my back pain is less than it has been in a long time."- Donald R. Crawford, WCH Rehabilitation Patient, Wickenburg Community Hospital
"My dad has been going to the Bagdad Clinic for over a year as this past year has been a difficult time for him. There have been many changes in the therapist and that has been frustrating for him, but the one consistency was Tonya Reeves."- Anonymous, WCH Rehabilitation Patient- Bagdad